Friday, August 19, 2011

Treatment with Naturopathy

Naturopathy is a system that looks to treat the root cause of disease. Therapies include special diets, herbal medicines, homeopathic remedies, vitamins, enzymes, massage, etc. The Naturopath looks to bring the body back into optimal health with out the use of surgery or synthetic drugs. The basic principle of Naturopathy is to bring the body back into balance or homeostasis so it can resist disease verses treating the symptoms only with pharmaceuticals drugs and surgery, which can cause compounding side effects and leave the body out of balance.

Naturopathy first came into light around 1900 by Benedict Lust. This remarkable man was an M.D., a D.O. and a N.D. who came to the United States from Germany. In 1905, Lust started the American School of Naturopathy, which was the first naturopathic college in United States. Dr. Benedict Lust also founded the American Naturopathic Society in 1919. Naturopathic medicine had great success in the early years, but after the discovery of penicillin in 1928, naturopathy went into a recession. Naturopathy is now making resurgence due to the fact that people are searching for alternatives due to many side effects of prescription medication. Many people are looking to Naturopathy because it is based on these six principles:
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(1) Safe and effective with No Harm

(2) The Healing Power of Nature

(3) Discover and Treat the Cause, Not Just the Effect

(4) Treat the Whole Person

(5) The Physician act as a Teacher

(6) Prevention is the best "cure"

A Naturopath identifies the self-healing power of nature inherent in every human being. Naturopathic doctors (N.D.) or naturopathic medical doctors (N.M.D.) identify and remove the obstacles to recover and stimulate the body's self-healing mechanisms. Naturopathic practitioners emphasize a holistic approach to patient care. Naturopathy focuses on two areas: One, supporting the bodies own healing potential and the other is teaching people to adopt a lifestyle that promotes optimal health. Naturopathic doctors treat both acute and chronic diseases, the emphasis is on prevention and it can be best accomplished through educating people.

In the early 1900 America was ranked as the healthiest nation in the World, to date we have fallen to 79th. It is no secret that most Americans are not reaching optimal health due to fact that we are undernourished and over fed. Our food is devitalized due, mass production, soil depletion, over processing just to name a few.

Based on the National Health and Nutrition Education Survey

(NHANES-joint collaboration of USDA and the Center for Disease Control), in 2002

•93% Americans did not meet the Estimated Adequate Requirement (EAR) for Vitamin E

•56% did not meet the EAR for magnesium

•44% did not meet the EAR for Vitamin A

•31% did not meet the EAR for Vitamin C

Most Americans are deficient in some key nutrients that are at the very foundation of health.

Naturopaths can be very helpful in determining which supplements can benefit you the most.

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