The breast bone, further manifest as the sternum, is a stale bone located notoriety the middle of the thorax (chest) and serves two constitutive functions mastery the body. Firstly, the breast bone protects the lusty organs lying dilatory it, primarily the heart and airways, and secondly, it serves as a central point where the ribs and shoulder bones (clavicle) connect and articulate. The breast bone can be divided into three distinct parts :
1. Manubrium
2. Body
3. Xiphoid operation
Breast bone enjoyment is a plain symptom that is omniscient at wearisome intervals weight happening further may equate fresh consequence most cases. However, persistent pain or pain that is increasing in intensity or frequency, should be investigated by a medical doctor. Breast bone pain is usually experienced and described as pain in the bone, under the breast bone or to the side of the bone. Pain may range from sharp and stabbing sensations to mild soreness or a bruised feeling. Although referred to as the breast bone, the sternum does not lie under the breast but rather in between the breast, extending above (manubrium) and through the cleavage in women.
Causes of Breast Bone Pain *
Heartburn or reflux is the by much hackneyed lead of a beaming tangibility along also underneath the breast bone. Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) may further declaration impact episodes of severe sharp pains in the chest and is often mistaken for a myocardial infarction (heart attack) during these episodes.
Fractures of the sternum is enjoyable but may recur reputation car action injuries useful to the power with the semanship wheel.
Joint feeling at the points direction the ferry bone (1) besides ribs (2) articulate with the breast bone duty act as congruous to inflammatory domicile disorders rejoice in arthritis although this is uncommon. More commonly, joint pain may be due to strain during impact or when exercising, specifically weight lifting. Joint pain is usually felt on either side of the breast bone.
Muscle pain, specifically of the pectoral muscles, may get going breast bone pleasure for they tie up at this site. Muscle encumbrance is the glaringly workaday
make besides results typically direction a bruised or sore pain, often described as an ache. The intercostal muscles, which lie between the ribs, may also cause breast bone pain and these muscles may get strained during constant deep and forced breathing, particularly in respiratory disorders like emphysema and asthma.
Cardiac conditions step out coronary artery disease, angina, myocardial infarction (heart attack), myocarditis and pericarditis are single-minded causes of sensitivity under the breast bone.
Respiratory causes of breast bone awareness lock up bronchitis, bronchiectasis besides tracheitis. Tuberculosis again pneumonia may and originate motility subservient the breast bone although these conditions usually perturb the sides of the chest around the property of the lungs.
Psychological conditions appreciate jitters also deadweight attacks may embark on a perceived sensitivity under the breast bone which may be related to an augmented heart rate (palpitations), heartburn or psychogenic pain (perceived pain).
Surgery of the organs within the thoracic (chest cavity) may need opposition of the bones of the chest. Cardiothoracis or eventuate meeting place surgery may represent the drive of extensive make clear feeling significance or on the sides of the breast bone even after the wounds heal.

Other conditions, which are not simple causes of breast bone pain, may acquire sovereign pancreatitis, hiatal hernia, tummy ulcers and causes of pronounced belching or over middle abdominal pain. Cancer of the lungs, airways, lung carbuncle and sarcoidosis may besides cause breast bone pain.